Do you remember a time when you were 100% confident that if you tied that bath towel around your neck you could fly or perhaps your towel was an invisibility cloak? Maybe you had the power to freeze people with just a stare or you were the strongest person in the...
After my 11 year old lab passed away this winter, I decided to get a rescue pup. After doing my due diligence, I was lucky to bring home a ten-week old shepherd mix. She has filled the hole in my heart, and at the same time she has caused me to revisit my leadership...
What is your Heart’s Desire? You are a unique, one-of-a kind individual, not exactly like anyone else in the universe, and more than likely you are not quite the same as you were yesterday. When you look back on your life one day, what do you want to have...
Telling the right story, telling interesting stories has always been a key to communication, combined with understanding and listening to the interests of your audience. Like this infographic? Get content marketing training from Copyblogger Media that will give you an...
Whether you are facing a challenging project at work, considering making a career change, or simply looking for some new inspiration in your life, it may be difficult to take that first step. Perhaps you are in a career that you studied long and hard for, but now...